
bigfoto.com is a royalty-free photo agency offering free download of all pictures for personal and commercial use (see Copyright for details).

The website’s name reflects the fact that it was started in 2000 in order to provide internet users with large pictures, at a time when most online photos were very small because internet connections tended to be very slow.

We also wanted to make private use of images easier by providing pictures without watermarks or complicated copyright regulations. And we still do this today!

In the beginning, we scanned in transparencies and then retouched them with image editing software, as it seemed that a transparency without dust or similar faults did not exist. We first changed to digital photography several years later.

As digital cameras became more affordable, a true flood of pictures swept across the internet.
More and more websites appeared through which internet users were able to publish their own pictures online. Most of bigfoto’s photos are from amateur photographers who enjoy seeing their images on the internet, and are quite happy for other people to use them.

Today, picture search is a much-in-demand function of many search engines, used by many people looking for pictures to use as desktop wallpaper or for other purposes.

See Copyright for details of how you can help us in return.