
Fiji- 5 interesting things to do on your first visit

Fiji lies in the South Pacific, a country of more than 300 islands, which is also referred to as an archipelago. Fiji’s natural makeup is unique, with clear lagoons of coral reefs, rugged landscapes, and beaches lined with palms.

The most significant islands are the Viti Levu and Vanua Levu islands, and they have the highest number of inhabitants on the islands. Visitors on the islands are bound to have a swell time exploring different centers, including the ethnographic exhibits of the Fiji Museum in the Victorian-era Thurston Gardens, the British colonial architecture in the port city of Suva, among others.

A planned visit to Fiji will make you wish for more time to explore the islands because of the great number of things you can do on your visit.

Now read on to find out things to do:

Get yourself hooked on a hiking trip

A hiking trip in Fiji will make you embrace nature and appreciate the rugged landscape of the archipelago. In Fiji’s uncharted wilderness, there are lots of jungle trails that you can follow to experience nature in its naked form.

From observing the fauna and flora biodiversity in the Bouma National Heritage Park to the soothing Tavoro Waterfalls, you would feel the islands in your core. Hiking through the rough terrains on the mountainous landscape will give you a majestic view of the islands.

If you decide to jump on a hiking trip when you visit Fiji, be ready to endure the trek along the muddy paths and rocky terrains.

Get involved in a kava ceremony

The Kava ceremony is a traditional event through which inhabitants of Fiji welcome visitors. The participants in the ceremony sit on the floor in circles, and the hosts use kava roots to prepare a drink for them. Once the drink is ready, the oldest male in the congregation takes the first drink and passes the rest around until it reaches the last person.

It’s a traditional custom that is highly regarded among the Fijians. The Kava ceremony is a celebration of happiness, and the indigenous of Fiji appreciates it more when guests on the islands participate in the event.

Perhaps you find yourself in the ceremony when you visit Fiji, do not hesitate to take a sip of the pounded kava.

Visit some of the local villages to experience their culture

Your tour to the Fiji islands won’t be complete if you don’t visit at least one of the local villages around. When you drop by at a village in Fiji, you will get a glimpse of their way of life- understanding their culture and the peculiarity of their heritage.

Amazingly, the local people of Fiji are very welcoming and open-hearted towards guests. They find it thrilling to show guests around and make them feel at home among them. The local community is very inclusive that you get integrated into their culture in no time.

You can offer the people of the village some parting gifts when you are ready to depart. However, it’s never an obligation because the villagers are more than happy to have you in their midst in the first place.

Go skydiving on Fiji islands

Now is the time for the fun of skydiving. You can easily register for a skydiving trip across the Fiji Islands. The thrill and the adrenaline rush accustomed to jumping out of a plane is an indescribable experience every fun lover will look forward to.

Skydiving will allow you to have a great view of the waters of Fiji, catching the sights of coral reefs, sandy beaches, and the azure waters. With the numbers of professional instructors available on the islands, you are surely in safe hands for a skydiving experience.

Although skydiving trips vary in price across the islands, it’s nothing too expensive to enjoy the adrenaline rush from the jump.

Explore a Zip-line trip through the trees

Here is an incredible moment to explore the jungle on a zip-line trip. Since Fiji is rich with lush vegetation and trees, it’s easy to come-by canopy tours on the islands. To become a Tarzan in Fiji, all you need to is walk into one of the shops offering canopy tours and take a shot at a zip-line trip across the trees.

Moreover, you have to be ready for the fun and try to open your eyes so that you can have the best views of the jungle’s lush vegetation.