
Animals pictures free download

Animals pictures free download

Animals never cease to fascinate us. From the graceful giraffe in the grasslands of Africa to the simple snail in our back garden. From the power and pace of the cheetah to the tired tread of the tortoise. From the cheek of the chimpanzee to the pride of the peacock. The world of all creatures great and small holds us human animals in its thrall. Many photographers are bitten by the wildlife-photography bug but it can be one of the most challenging forms of photography. Not only are sound technical skills required to capture well-lit, sharp and perfectly composed images, but a fair amount of field craft and a good knowledge of the behaviour of the animal being stalked are also essential. While wildlife photography can be practiced using basic equipment, eventually the keen wildlife photographer will add a variety of equipment to his arsenal. Depending on the specific type of wildlife, this will range from macro lenses for insects to long focal-length lenses for birds and elusive animals, and special underwater cameras and lenses for marine life. A further very important aspect is to be in the right place at the right time, something that is much less a matter of luck and far more a question of research, experience and a considerable portion of patience. 

A lot of people ask me how they can also take great wildlife pictures like this. It’s a good question. I always recommend starters to run start out with a digiscoping setup and watching a bunch of YouTube videos on this topic. Training makes mastery, my friend.  Animals pictures free download …