Travel Tips

What to Do if You Have an Accident Abroad

Going on holiday or travelling for business abroad can be an exciting adventure. However, accidents and injuries can happen anywhere, even when you are overseas. If you have an accident abroad, it is important to know what to do to protect yourself and ccess the compensation and legal help you may need. This article explains the key steps to take if you have an accident abroad as a UK citizen or resident.

Contacting the Relevant Authorities

If you have an accident abroad, the priority is to contact the emergency services if you need medical assistance. Call 112, which is the emergency number used across the European Union. For non-EU countries, check the emergency number for that country. If you are injured, get medical attention even if you feel fine, as some conditions like concussion can develop later. Report any accidents or injuries to the local police as well and get a copy of the police report. This creates an official record and report of what happened.

Informing Your Travel Insurer

Contact your travel insurance provider as soon as possible to inform them of the accident and claim on your insurance policy. Provide details of what happened and your injuries. Your insurer can help arrange medical care and travel home, and process your claim. Make sure you follow their instructions and get any documents they require to support your claim. Keep copies of all correspondence with your insurer.

Collecting Evidence

Gather evidence that could help support your case if you need to make an injury compensation claim later on. This includes contact details of any witnesses, photos of the accident scene and your injuries, medical reports and invoices, records of expenses incurred due to the accident, and your travel booking invoices. Keep records of how the accident has affected you, such as being unable to work or enjoy your holiday. All this creates a paper trail you can provide to legal representatives later.

Choosing a UK Personal Injury Solicitor

It is highly advisable to contact a personal injury solicitor back in the UK who specialises in overseas accidents and injuries, such as the experts at if you want to claim compensation. The solicitor can start gathering evidence, determine who is liable, calculate your claim value, negotiate a settlement for you and take the case to court in that country if needed.

Things to Consider

There are several important things to consider when you have an accident abroad:

  • Laws, procedures, and time limits for claims differ across countries so don’t delay in contacting a solicitor.
  • Your UK travel insurance may only cover emergency medical care, not any compensation claim.
  • Legal and translation costs can mount up, so an experienced solicitor is essential.
  • You may need to travel back to the country for a court hearing if your claim goes to litigation.
  • Claiming can be a lengthy process, often taking years before settlement.

Having an accident abroad can be frightening, but following the proper procedures can help you access your rights to compensation and justice. With professional help guiding you, it is possible to successfully pursue a personal injury claim, even when the accident happened far from home.

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