
Visiting the most photogenic spots in Tasmania

The only real downside to visiting Australia is that however long you stay, there is always so much more to see. Tasmania is almost a microcosm of Australia, and can be an interesting and left-field alternative.

One thing is certain, whether you love outdoor adventure, conservation, history or night life, Tassie can deliver. Of course, you will want to capture photos of your Tasmanian experience. Here, we lift the lid on some of the island’s most photogenic spots. Some of them could raise an eyebrow!

Unspoilt beaches of Wineglass Bay

There’s a strange misconception that Tasmania is all about nature and for golden beaches, you need the mainland. Wineglass Bay is all the evidence you need that this contention is complete nonsense. It’s a two-hour drive from Hobart, and then it takes about 45 minutes to walk to the lookout point for the best photos.

If you want to visit the beach itself, you’ll need to walk for another 45 minutes, so make sure you allow yourself enough time to do what you want to do and get back to your car before nightfall.

Wrest Point and Australia’s oldest casino

The tower at Wrest Point is one of the most iconic images of Tasmania. Of course you’ll want to get a good shot of it, but don’t walk away just yet. There is more to Wrest Point than meets the eye.

Head inside and you can get some shots of the oldest casino in Australia. Wrest Point casino first opened its doors in 1973 and for a while, visitors flocked there from all over the country. It’s very different today, when anyone can look up AU casino reviews online and be playing casino games like pokies in a matter of minutes from their handsets!

Like most casinos, Wrest Point does not encourage photography, so be a little bit subtle. Use simple point and click mode, don’t take videos and most important, keep the flash switched off.

Unnatural beauty at Little Blue Lake

Follow the road north east out of Launceston, and after about two hours, you will see a shocking sight. That’s shocking in the sense of the bright, bright blue water in Little Blue Lake. Now, we would love to say that this was from natural precious stones or the like, but that is simply not the case.

It is actually caused by toxic chemicals left in the water subsequent to mining activities in the early to mid 20th century. It is still highly toxic, so resist the temptation to jump in for a swim. Just up the road is the equally colorful Bay of Fires. This time, the cause is perfectly natural, and the orange on top of the stones is lichen.

Lavender as far as the eye can see

Another iconic Tasmania photo opportunity concerns the miles upon miles of lavender on display as far as the eye can see at the Bridestowe Estate. The plants come fully into bloom in December and January. The look and smell are guaranteed to raise your mood, and the right photograph can capture it forever.

Bridestowe Lavender Estate is open all year round, although if you can time your visit around Christmas and New Year, you’ll get the best shots. It’s a 45 mile drive north of Launceston.