AmericaUnited States

Yellowstone National Park


The Yellowstone national park is a center of attraction and a favorite site which get millions of visitors every year. For active individuals, it is suitable for hiking activities since the park has trails of miles which even covers back country explorations. It may be a destination for the whole family since it provides a great view of the park while driving through the grand loop road and also rest in the various roadside picnic areas. The grand loop road has the most attractions sites.


Yellowstone national park was established by the United States Congress and President Ulysses Grant on 1872, March, 1, signed it into law. Yellowstone National Park situated in the western United States it covers parts of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. This park is the first national park in the world. The park is popular due to its geothermal features such as old faithful geyser, wildlife, the presentation of various types of biomes and its abundant subalpine forest. Yellowstone Park is a part of central Rockies forest Eco region geographically.

The yellow stone national park covers an area of 3,468.4 square miles. This area contains rivers, mountains ranges, lakes, and canyons. Yellow stone caldera ranked as the largest super volcano in the world where at the center there is Yellowstone Lake which is one largest high elevated lakes in North America. Rocks and lava flow as a result of volcanic span the land area of Yellowstone.


There are thousands of species found in Yellowstone. The documented species include mammals, fish, amphibians, birds and reptiles.

  • The massive grasslands and forest contain unique plant also the most popular fauna located in the United States.
  • It is a habitat of wolves, elk, and free-ranging herds of bison and fractious bears.
  • Yellowstone Park has large recreational center such as camping, fishing, boating, sightseeing and hiking. During winter seasons the visitors access the park with guides either snowmobiles and snow coaches.


THERE are different entrances here is a summarized entry fee

  • Noncommercial, private vehicle -$35
  • During winter snowmobile or motorcycle-$30
  • Sixteen years and above visitors entering by ski, foot bike etc. -$20

This fee offers seven-day entrance access for both Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks.


When you visit Yellowstone national park what you want to see the most and how much you want to spend in the park determines where you will stay. as an example

  1. If you wish to experience full park experience, it would be an excellent choice to have lodging at old faithful.
  2. If you want a view of wildlife suggestively northeast entrance is an excellent place to stay.
  3. If you want a view of historical information, then perhaps the north entrance is the best place.
  4. If you have more time and want to visit the Grand Teton national park, then I would suggest northeast entrance.


Again best visit times are influenced by your interests. Here is a summary:

  • During summer seasons: Yellowstone has it all including a lot of people therefore if you have your family plan trip it’s good to get out early.
  • During fall: during this period there is urgency in the air for this season there are fewer crowds.
  • During spring: during this time of the year it can snow, it has wild weather, roaring waterfalls and abundant wildlife.
  • Winter: this is usually a period of solitude. During this season visiting the park is restricted except if you can afford a guided snowmobile tour or a snow coach. During this season the northern entrance is busy because of plowing roads and ease of access road.

Yellowstone national park has five main entrances which are: the northeast entrance, west entrance, north entrance, south entrance and east entrance.

Yellowstone Park has a free public wi-fi available at the park lodge for registered guest.


Yellowstone national park provides the best experience for visitors and leaves them wanting more. If you want a visit to Yellowstone national park, they recommend one to plan the trip. I hope this article will help you to know about Yellowstone Park and for more details, you may check DVD’s available for yellow stone.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay