Stock Photography
“Stock photography” refers to photographs offered for use by agencies, usually in return for a fee, and sometimes a royalty
Read More“Stock photography” refers to photographs offered for use by agencies, usually in return for a fee, and sometimes a royalty
Read MorePerspective Perspective is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional scene. In photography this can be achieved by viewing 3-D objects
Read MoreSensors The sensor in a digital camera is equivalent to the film in a film camera. Basically, the larger the
Read MoreAlthough the elements of photographic technology have been known for centuries, rapid advances in camera development really took off with
Read MoreThe development of digital. Cameras have become more sophisticated. From Kodak’s “You press the button, we do the rest” to
Read MoreThe coming of colour. Colour as a science began in 1666, when Isaac Newton discovered the solar spectrum and that
Read MorePhotography for all. The second half of the 19th century saw the development of a variety of small cameras, but
Read MoreNegative-positive technique William Henry Fox Talbot was an English gentleman of means. Whilst on a grand tour of Europe, he
Read MoreThe early days and camera obscura. The dream of making permanent images and recording observations has existed since ancient times.
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